Amit Swain


Web Design - Blogathon Event Contest, UI Research, Custom Illustration

Devtron, the organizer of the Blogathon Contest 2022, aimed to revamp its event’s online presence and increase participant engagement. 

The project involved designing a custom website for the event and implementing LinkedIn marketing strategies.

Project Timeline

The project was executed within a tight timeframe of 1-2 weeks to ensure timely promotion and registration.

Challenges Faced

  • Prebuilt Theme: The existing event website relied on a generic prebuilt theme, lacking uniqueness.
  • Outdated Design: The old design failed to reflect Devtron’s branding effectively.
  • Limited Participant Engagement: The event struggled to attract a substantial number of participants.

Solution Implemented

To address these challenges, the following solutions were implemented:

  • Custom Website Design: A bespoke website was designed specifically for the Blogathon Contest, featuring essential sections such as the event timeline, registration, rewards, speakers, submission form, and a leaderboard.
  • Custom Illustrations: Unique illustrations were created to enhance the website’s visual appeal and branding.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: A LinkedIn marketing campaign was initiated to expand the event’s reach and engagement.

Results Achieved

The project delivered significant outcomes:

  • Increased Submissions: The event garnered over 200 submissions, demonstrating a substantial increase in participation.
  • Enhanced Branding Appearance: The custom website design effectively reflected Devtron’s branding and conveyed a professional image.
  • Improved Engagement: Engagement levels soared, with participants actively interacting with event content and updates.
    Successful Event: The Blogathon Contest 2022 was a resounding success, achieving its participation and engagement goals.

Lessons Learned

The project underscored the importance of custom design for event websites, the value of unique visuals in branding, and the effectiveness of LinkedIn marketing for event promotion.

The transformation from a generic prebuilt theme to a custom-designed website, coupled with a strategic LinkedIn marketing campaign, elevated the Devtron Blogathon Contest 2022 to new heights. 

The project resulted in increased participation, improved branding, and heightened engagement, marking a significant milestone in Devtron’s event-hosting endeavors.

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