Amit Swain


Branding, E-commerce, Dukaan, Custom Coding, UI/UX Design, Package Designing, SEO & Backlinking

“Laali,” formerly known as “Clothise,” embarked on a project to rebrand their fashion direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand and overhaul their online infrastructure for a more seamless shopping experience.

Project Timeline:

The project spanned 2-3 months, encompassing various phases and tasks.

Challenges Faced:

  • Low Brand Value: “Laali” faced challenges in establishing a strong brand presence.
  • Slow E-commerce Store: The existing store suffered from slow loading times.
  • Suboptimal Design and User Experience: The store’s design and user experience needed improvement.

Solution Implemented:

To address these challenges, the following solutions were implemented:

  • Rebranding: “Laali” was born, complete with a new name, logo, and package design.
  • Store Redesign: The e-commerce store underwent a complete redesign for a visually appealing look.
  • Infrastructure Migration: The store’s infrastructure was transferred from WooCommerce to “Dukaan,” a custom-coded platform.
  • Custom Coding and Design: Extensive custom coding and design work were done to tailor the store to the brand’s vision.
  • SEO Optimization: A comprehensive SEO strategy was executed to enhance online visibility.

Results Achieved:

The project yielded impressive results:

  • Active Store: “Laali” now boasts an active e-commerce store that aligns with its new brand identity.
  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: The store’s redesign significantly improved its visual appeal, drawing in more customers.
  • Performance Improvement: The session time increased by a remarkable 430%.
  • Reduced Loading Time: The store’s loading time was reduced from an average of 7-8 seconds to less than 2 seconds, enhancing user experience and reducing bounce rates.

Lessons Learned:

Throughout the project, several valuable lessons were learned, including the importance of a strong brand identity, responsive design, and optimizing website performance.

The transformation from “Clothise” to “Laali” and the migration of the e-commerce store to a new infrastructure marked a pivotal moment for the brand. 

The project’s success not only revitalized the brand’s image but also resulted in a more efficient and user-friendly online shopping experience, setting the stage for “Laali’s” continued growth in the D2C fashion industry.

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