Amit Swain


Web Design & Development - Cloud Quizzing Event Website, UI Research, Custom Coding

Microsoft organized the Cloud Quizzing Challenge Tournament and aimed to create a unique online presence for the event. 

This project focused on designing and developing a custom website to address challenges related to an existing prebuilt theme, outdated design, and the need for stronger branding.

Project Timeline

The project was successfully executed within a timeline of 3-5 weeks, ensuring readiness for the tournament.

Challenges Faced

  • Prebuilt Theme: The event’s existing website relied on a generic prebuilt theme, lacking originality.
  • Outdated Design: The design of the old website did not effectively convey Microsoft’s branding or meet modern design standards.
  • Limited Participant Engagement: The tournament struggled to attract a significant number of participants.

Solution Implemented

To overcome these challenges, the following solutions were implemented:

  • Custom Website Design and Development: A tailor-made website was designed and developed, serving as the official platform for the Cloud Quizzing Challenge Tournament. It included essential sections such as registration, quizzing timetable, speakers’ information for webinars, a showcase of rewards, and a leaderboard.
  • Branding Enhancement: The custom website incorporated Microsoft’s branding elements, ensuring a cohesive and professional image.

Results Achieved

  • Enhanced Branding Appearance: The custom website effectively showcased Microsoft’s branding, providing a more unified and polished online presence.
  • Increased Engagement: The website design led to improved participant engagement, with users actively interacting with event details, webinars, and updates.
  • Successful Tournament: The Cloud Quizzing Challenge Tournament was a resounding success, exceeding participant and engagement goals.
The transition from a generic prebuilt theme to a custom-designed and developed website played a pivotal role in elevating the Microsoft Cloud Quizzing Challenge Tournament. The project resulted in a strengthened branding representation, increased participant engagement, and the overall success of the event.
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